24 Kids enrolled in our Vacation Bible School this year. We are thrilled to continue a traditions which, except for the Covid shutdown, has been an annual event at the church since about the mid 1940’s. Thank you especially to Fawn Fleagle who has tirelessly led this activity since 1987, as well as the many member who have supported her. It is always a wonderful joyous occasion.

The theme for the year is Camp Firelight and Psalm 56, verse 3, “Whenever I am afraid I put my trust in you”.

Let the fun begin – day one is green shirt day

Assembly and introduction


Tuesday was Orange Shirt day

Tuesday brought the pentecostal color of orange and what a cheerful sight the many shades of orange were. A particular favorite seemed to be the neon color of orange so prevalent today.

The kids heard the story about Ruth and Naomi harvesting the wheat. A visit to Zombro Field allowed them to collect and examine grasses and see the chaff and the ears.

Activities including craft work where participant got to stencil and decorate their own pillow covers

Kids also learned joyful Christian songs with Radonna and Gary

And the day ended with a Science lesson about leaves and what happens when they get hot or cold during the seasons.


Day 3 was yellow

Bright and cheery yellow was the color of the day. the kids were in good spirits with a different craft today. It was the reverse of a stencil – tape over what you do not wish to be painted. Most selected a name.

Know what that is? Yes its a Frozen Bubble.

Many of us learned something new at the Science class . The beauty of a bubble that has frozen. We were aware of the wonders and playful aspects of bubble, as well as the way they can stretch and waver in the wind. We were aware that they often times will pop when you do not want them to. I had not seen images of a frozen bubble until today. Wow.

Singing was spectacular today, and dance was not far behind. What a wonderful way to worship the Lord

Yellow shirt say was also had an awards ceremony for winners of the coloring contest. Now just like the Oscars, there were many categories, resulting in many winners. All kids who attend VBS are clearly winners, but these were the category winners on the coloring contest, complete with their trophies and winning works of art.

Each day kids have the opportunity to add to the funds raised to support two missionaries on an overseas trip. Today the total collected exceeded $300.00, far in excess of the starting goal. Thanks to the kids (and their parents) for supporting young local missionaries. In the picture you can see the crossed out goals on the chart and the discussion as Fawn negotiates an new higher goal with the kids. Well done all.

Day 4 was Purple (with green hats it looks like)

Well, without much envy day 4 was green, It also was the day the kids got green hats to wear out in the hot sun during outside activities. well that seemed to be a success.

Crafts were nearing completion and here are examples of some of the nearly finished products. Something meaningful to take home.

Prior Vacation Bible Schools

2023 VBS

2022 VBS

2021 No VBS – thanks to Covid

2020 VBS