We understand that children are the future of Christianity and thus provide focus and a place where children belong and have fun with their Church family as part of their growing Christian lives.

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Do not expect complete peace and quiet during a Sunday Morning Services as our children are active and involved. They participate in Sunday worship as acolytes. They are at the lectern during the offering and call ushers and pray over the gifts. A portion of each Sunday morning service is set aside for our children. They come to the front of the church and hear a special lesson and prayer, typically ended with the words, “Remember, God loves you…” to which the church members respond, “…..and so do we.” Special activities and “day” care is provided for the children during the Sermon and they children sing anthems during service on a scheduled basis.

Children’s Sunday School is held at 9:00 AM and participants are divided up into classes by grade in school. This activity is held at the same time as adult Sunday School. allowing both parents and their children to attend different classes at the same time.

Youth Club is a special focus for the K – 6th grade children of the Church and their friends. The Club meets on Wednesdays at 4:15 PM and all are welcome. Parents are encouraged to be involved with Club activities which centered around Christian Family values and fun. For more information follow the link to the the Club pages.

Link to Youth Club Page

Kids and Teens is an area specially for older kids containing bible message for them. View the videos by following the link to Kids and Teens

Link to Kids and Teens.

Vacation Bible School is another important part of our Church life. We typically see 30 to 40 kids attend the fun filled week each summer. Apart from outdoor activities and fun, children are taught Christian values, such as supporting a missionary, or collecting food for those less fortunate than ourselves. Each year a specific charity is selected and funds and items are collected to support their activities. For more information follow the link to VBS.

Link to VBS 2022.

Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God”

Matthew 19:14