Food Truck Party

On a Roll with God

VBS is scheduled for June 13-17 from 9:00 – noon.  Our theme this year is “Food Truck Party”  This curriculum, based on Matthew 6:11, “Give us this day our daily bread”, reminds  our chefs that everything we have comes from God but it also calls us to turn to God in prayer for our daily needs.

The color of the day is: 

Monday – Orange

Tuesday – Patriotic Colors (Flag Day)

Wednesday – White

Thursday – Yellow

Friday – Green 

The students are asked to bring their Bibles, wear the color of the day.They are also asked to bring food for the Kidz Power Pac program (a list will be sent home to parents), paper goods for Holly House and a small offering each day to benefit Justus Burton, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Rufus Burton, who is going on a mission trip this summer to the Middle East.  Our goal is to raise $100.00.

2022 Activities

The Kids had fun with food art,

The Kids remembered to bring food for Kids PowerPack lunches and paper goods for Ho;;y Place, and cash for our Missionary. The kids collected $599 for his mission.