What’s Happening

at Falling Waters Presbyterian Church

Memorial Day 2024

We held a short service to honor those who served at our Veterans Memorial. THE service was followed by a picnic at the Pavilion. (May 26, 2024)

First of two groups of new members

We were thrilled to welcome the first of two groups pf new members that joined our Church.

Pastor John Cushwa and Elder Phil Nol (left) welcome Vicki Kave, Brenda Young and Chris Fleagle (May 26, 2024)

Norwalk Club get a treat

The Norwalk Antique Car Club held their monthly members dinner meeting at FWPC on Saturday. Renee Campbell hosted the event as a fundraiser for Youth activities. She was ably helped by Fawn Fleagle, Yvonne Lantz and Bill & Judith Lawrenson. The dinner was great, the garlic bread got demolished and the gourmet Cup Cakes (Renee’s specialty) simply disappeared. With about 50 people there, dishwashing took a while. Thank you ladies for your hard work and for raising money for our kids. (October 2023)

Gabbie and Katie Peach compete in County Youth Fair

Gabbie Peach competed in the Berkeley County Youth Fair showing their expertise handling animals. Gabbie competed in the Junior Goat division (picture below), while Katie showed her Pig. (August 2023).

Choir Rocks Bring a Friend to Church Sunday

Choir did really well, so did Pastor Cushwa, on Bring a Friend to Church Sunday.

We had 80 at the service – thanks to all who brought a friend. Great mean followed (April 2023)

Easter Bunny Visits FWPC

Joy, the Lord is Risen. In addition, the Easter Bunny came to our Church to helo with the Easter Egg Hunt that followed the Church Breakfast/ About 60 members and friends attended. Th kids had a wonderful time. (April 2023)

35 Attend the Maunday Thursday Service

35 members joined together in rememberance of the Last Supper and passed bread and wine and listened to the Easter Scriptures. At the end of a reading, one of six candles was extinguished. We left the service in darkness. It was a very deep spiritual experience.

Five New Members join FWPC

We are blessed with five new members this Easter Time Please welcome Larry Spicer, Rick Pill, Margaret Grubbs, Jan Grimes, and Carolyn Spicer to our Church. (April 2, 2023)

Youth Club’s Christmas Concert

We had just over 70 people a the Youth Club Christmas Concert. It was a good supper and a happy time with the children. Thanks to the may folk who worked so hard to make it happen.

In case you missed it, here is a recording of the performance. (December 7, 2022, Pearl Harbor Day)

Youth Club Up and Running

We are thrilled to have great participation in our Youth Club. Nikki Arvon, supported by Pastor John and many others, held the first Youth Club Meeting last Wednesday. Thirteen Children attended the meeting – it was a wonderful sight to see so many happy faces. We had a number of non-members attend and that was particularly encouraging.

Here is a sample of what went on

For more information see the Youth Club pages on this web site. (September 24, 2022)

New Member

Please welcome our newest member, Gloria Penwell. Gloria is no stranger to us as she regularly worshipped with us on Sundays. We are very please that she decided to formally join the congregation. (September 2022)

Gloria (left ) is received into membership by Pastor John Cushwa and Diana McKinley

Whole Church invited to Men’s Greasy Breakfast

The whole congregation was invited to the Greasy Breakfast served on Saturday Morning. About 35 people attended and the Pavilion was filled with laughter and conversation. Thanks to the Maintenance Committee for hosting the event. (September 2022)

Flood Damage Repaired

The recent flood damage is now all repaired. A special thanks to Sam Tobin and Becky, as well as Chuck Mosher, Diana McKinley and Patty Runkles (as well as many others) for days of hard work. It is amazing how they were able to take the meager flood insurance proceeds and, through hard work and local contacts, provide us with a much modernized and upgraded facility. A great job done by all. Bye-bye 1950’s decor and hello the 2020’s. (August, 2022)

Men’s Breakfast Get A Big Turnout

Men of the church met for breakfast (and a history lesson from John Fleagle) at a local diner. This monthly event was well attended and all seemed most content with the food and fellowship (July, 2022).

Cushwa Comes Back

We are thrilled that Rev John W. Cushwa has accepted the call tp be interim minister of Falling Waters Presbyterian. Pastor John felt called to give up his retirement to be our Pastor, and we are grateful to him and to Jeanie for shepherding the church while we seek a permanent pastor Pastor John is no stranger having served as Pastor for a number of years before retiring. (July 2022)

Vacation Bible School Takes Off

Vacation Bible School took was held again this year. thanks to the many adults who staffed the event. a wonderful time was had by all. We attracted nearly 40 kids again this year and all seemed to have a wonderful time. The target to raise $100 to assist a local young missionary was exceeded more than five times over. Thanks to the parents and to the enthusiastic children for such wonderful support. In addition food and paper goods were collected for a local charity. (June 6, 2022)

Ladies Meet for Tea

The ladies of the Church met for tea at the home of Judith Lawrenson. About fifteen attended and enjoyed the morning. Thanks to all who brought their special treats. (June 2022)

Maintenance Committee Opens Pavilion

Members of the Maintenance Committee met on Saturday morning to open the Pavilion for the summer season. Thanks for their work, and hope we enjoy the outdoors this season (May, 2022)

Cold morning for the cleanup

Kids perform Christmas Music at Sunday Service

It was a joyous and exciting time as kids performed a Christmas Narrative and sang for the Church in their annual Children’s Christmas Program. well done all who performed and also Radonna for her hours or rehearsals. (December 12, 2021).

Memorial service for Bettie Jane 

The church was full of people celebrating the life of Betty Jane Porterfield, a lifetime member of Falling Waters Presbyterian Church, who passed on November 24, age 89. Both family and also church members remembered with joyous zeal the life that had impacted so many. It was amazing to hear from some parishioners that the were taught Sunday School as kids by Bettie Jane. She was an anchor in the choir and our Choir Director for many years. She was a most generous and loving person, we will all miss her. (December13, 2021)

Standing Room Only at the Men’s Breakfast

If you want a seat at the Men’s Breakfast, my suggestion is that you get there early. I arrived two minutes early and was at the end of the table. Now I know that this is traditionally the seat of the person who pays, but believe it or not, a completely unknown stranger paid for all our meals. Thank you to whoever it was. We assumed it may have been associated with the number of veterans we have, or maybe jus our goods looks (maybe not the latter on reflection). (November 2021).


Katie borrows a Grandparent, or a Dozen Grandparents

Katie’s grandparents were out of town for her showing of her pig handling skills at the County Youth Fair. Katie felt she needed a grandparent there for support, and the word went out to the Church. Well the show time was 8:00AM and few, if any, had much idea what was required of a pig handler.  That did not seem to deter any of the “grandparents” who showed  up, all ten of them, plus our Pastor and a retired former Pastor. Katie did very well, and so did the “grandparents”. That’s a statement that our youth is the future of our God’s kingdom on Earth.  (August 3, 2021)


Some of the “Grandparents”                                                                     Katie with her pig


Car Club holds picnic at our Pavilion 

The Norwalk Antique Car Club held its annual picnic at the Church Pavilion.  The some forty attendees were blessed with a most pleasant day and some of them brought their Classic cars along for the ride (over 25 years old). 

The club also supports a foundation that cares for an unique car, The Norwalk. Probably never heard of it before, but it was an upscale car with massive wheels and a six cylinder engine, rather sporty. It was made in Martinsburg for a tens years from 1912 to 1922.  There is only one known to have survived, and that was restored and is owned by the Norwalk Foundation which is associated with the Club.  It is on display locally.   (.June 19, 2021)

Image placeholder title

Classic Cars on display

The 1914 Norwalk, made in Martinsburg



Vacation Bible School Returns

Praise the Lord. We were able to hold an in-person Vacation Bible School again. It was a wonderful event with about 40 children from that area attending. Pastor John and the crew was busy both in the Church as well as at the Pavilion and a wonderful time was had by all. The theme was put on the armor of God, and kids were taught about the building blocks of Faith, Salvation, Peace, Truth and Justice. Thanks to the many who worked at and/or supported the event.  (June 14 thru 18, 2021) 



Veterans Memorial Flagpole Dedicated

The service to dedicate the Veteran’s Memorial Flagpole was held on Sunday, June 13th following the church service. About 40 people attended, with John Fleagle officiating. 

Following the Opening Prayer, the flag was raised by Sam Tobin (Army) and Chuck Mosher (Coats Guard), flanked by the SAR members Color Guard (Marty Keesecker and Steve Englebright) and  John.

Pat Dockeney (Army) read “in Flanders Fields”, followed by the National Anthem and Becky Tobin who read the names of the known Veterans who were members of Falling Waters Presbyterian.

The service was interspersed with hymns and Diana McKinley reading The Gettysburg Address. The service closed with prayer, followed by the most beautiful playing of Taps that I have ever heard (Thank You SP4 Kenneth Yeakley). 

We adjourned to the Pavilion for refreshments after the service, just in time to avoid a heavy thunderstorm with thunder and lightning.  

Thanks to John Fleagle and the others who took the lead and did the work to make this Memorial and Event happen. (June 13, 2021).

A special thanks to the 19 Church families who donated to make this Memorial a reality. Thanks also to the members of the Maintenance Committee and the Manor family for the hard work done building the memorial.   

Avalon Blizzard Celebrates her 100th Birthday

We all stopped before the service to say Happy Birthday to our dear friend and long time church member Avalon Blizzard. While she was not able to attend that day, we know she celebrated with her family. Avalon and her sister Dixie were regular attendees before Covid and we miss their bright faces and warm smiles.  

Communion Table Refinished

The Communion Table had some damage to its top. Thankfully there was a willing friend of a member of the Maintenance Committee who was willing to take on the time consuming challenge of refinishing the tabletop. It looks fantastic,. Thanks to all involved.   (April 25, 2021) 

Easter In Person – Thanks God

We were able to celebrate Easter in Person again this year after having only a virtual service last year. It was wonderful to be together to celebrate the magic of the resurrection with live music and heartily sung hymns.  (April 4, 2021) 



Regular Church Services Resume

It was wonderful to see so many people bacj at church again, ,ost without masks and without all the red tape that has divided the church into six foot sections for so long. Coffee hour Resumed and things felt almost normal. Thank you God. (April 2021) 

Bill Zombro, another dear friend and generous supporter of FWPC, passed on last week.

Bill Zombro been associated with the Church for much of his life. As an Elder he was much involved in Church activities, especially the Nominating Committee which was responsible for the selection of John Cushwa as Pastor. In addition Bill was a generous supporter of the Church and made donations of land. Many members have enjoyed working with him for many decades. Bill was a regular at Church when he could, more recently with his granddaughter in the front row, left side. Bill was in his early nineties. We will miss his enthusiasm and smiling presence.  Feb 16, 2021

Covid stikes Church members and a near miss for Pastor John

Covid came closer to home than we would have liked recently. Pastor John was quarantined a few weeks back as his brother tested positive for Covid. Pastor had joined his brother to visit their mother, who is in assisted living. This quarantine and the high rate of infection in Berkeley County meant that  we will bot have a Live service. Fortunately Pastor tested negative and thus has resumed normal duties.

John Fleagle is nearly recovered from Covid as are members of his family who attended their Thanksgiving dinner. Fawn, who later contracted the disease is doing well and is recovering.  

Out thought and prayers to them, and other members of the Church who have family members suffering from Covid.  Dec 24, 2020

Tink Manor Celebration of Life

Tink Manor passed away unexpectedly on November 8, 2020. Many of his friends were not able to attend his Service, so Diana has graciously allowed us to add a video of the service to our Web Site. It was a blustery day, so there is a fair amount of wind noise in the recording. 

Tink has been associated with the Church for all of his life. Many members of the Maintenance Committee have enjoyed working with him for many decades and some were friends with him at school.  Tink was a Trustee and a regular in Church on a Sunday morning. 

Tink had toys most men dream of, front end loaders, heaving moving equipment, ditchers, Bobcats, parking lot striping equipment, massive compressors and snow removal equipment. Tink also delivered concrete by the truck load.  Talk about anything and he would say: “We dug them lines down four feet and connected the water and power in 1976. It’s ‘buurrd’ right over here”. He knew everything because he had done most of the heavy work, including the recent renovations to the Manse and moving the pavilion from a farm to where it is today.

He was a very visible, generous, kind Member who will be sorely missed. Our thought and prayers to Diana and the family.  Dec 1, 2020

Ground Breaking for the new Veterans Memorial

We broke ground on a new Veterans Memorial that well be situated near the Pavillion. The major portion of the construction will be in the spring, when the memorial will be dedicated. If you would like to get involved, please contact John Fleagle or John (Mac) MacDonald 

Artists Rendition and Photo below:

Virginia Lane McIntosh Baptised

It was a joyful day at FWPC as we had a baptism. It is a special day when we welcome a new person into our congregation and faith, especially a small person

Clerk of session Ruth Berg and Pastor John McDonald officiated at the baptism of Virginia Lane McIntosh. It does not get more Scottish than a bunch of Mc’s  – better leave that right there. Virginia is the granddaughter of Donna Pill, who remembers attending FWPC with her grandmother, Ethel Runkles. I think that was the great, great granddaughter of Ethel that we baptised today. The history of FWPC never fairs to amaze me. 

Paula’s Community Day

September 15 was Paula’s community, a day when FWPC hosta a fun day for the local community. Many church members spent a great day reaching out to the community. There  were games and free food and local vendors. There were cake walks and music. The church was decorated with flags and Pastor John changed his schedule so that he could work the event. Thanks to Renee Campbell and Tammy Hylton for leading the event and the many many Members who sponsored and worked the event. The Endurance Award goes to the Manors who cooked Apple Butter at the Pavilion for about twelve hours.

Move-Up Sunday

Sunday August 25th was move up Sunday for our Sunday School members. It is an important day to recognise the spiritual growth of the future of the Church. A picnic at the Pavillion followed our Church service to celebrate this graduation day. A special “Thank You” to the many teachers and discussion leaders who give their time to Sunday School and the kids of all ages who attend. Congratulations one and all.

A Lot Going On

August 7, 2019.  Some of the Maintenance Committee earned their stripes today as they repainted the lines in the parking lots. A additional handicapped space was added in front of the Church, and a walkway was marked out (picture left) in front of the parking spaces in the lower Hammonds Mill parking area. Please respect that walkway so that folks can walk in front of parked cars and away from the rushing traffic on Hammonds Mill Road.

True to the rules applying to all WV Road Gangs, we had one sriper machine operator, two supervisors and two ground traffic controllers to do the job. We thought about getting red and white barrels and speed restrictions as well, but were not staffed for those activities. We were successful in eating a number of doughnuts and disrupting Pastor’s parking efforts (the only traffic)  – and oh yes, striping the lot with reasonable straight lines. A special thanks to Tink Manor for the loan of some of his Toys.

The Crew (L to R) Chuck Mosher, John Fleagle, Tink Manor, John MacDonald and Bill Lawrenson (photographer)

Mission Team Back from Craigsville

August 4, 2019. The mission team is back from Craigsville and the team led service this Sunday.  The sermon was in the form of a detailed Youth Mission Trip Report given by Nat Hylton.  The team  joined Dr. McDonald and greeted the congregation after the service.  The trip was a great success and a special thanks goes to all who donated to and supported the silent auction that made the trip possible.   The team was (L to R) Grace Cramer, Tammy Hylton, Yvonne Lantz, Jacob Hylton, Renee Campbell and Nat Hylton. The baby Cort Arvon did not go this time.

Welcome Dr. John MCDonald

Dr John McDonald joined FWPC as Interim Pastor on July 1 (see Staff for more). We welcome John who is experienced in helping churches transition to new permanent Pastors. 

Well most of you know we already have a John MacDonald, an Elder. Our is known as Mac, and Pastor is not.  To add to the confusion, MacDonald was on the committee that selected McDonald. Oh well that’s the way it goes, but we are really glad to have him on board to guide us through the steps necessary to find a new (permanent) Pastor.

So far Dr. McDonald has attended every group/committee meeting including Women’s Bible Study. It is refreshing to have this level of support and participation in our activities.

FWPC’er at Shepherdstown Parade

July 4, 2019

John Fleagle (L) marches in the July 4th parade as part of the SAR contingent


Father’s Day and a New Elder Installed

June 17, 2019 saw the celebration of Father’s Day. The Women of the Church (with some assistance from some husbands) made a wonderful spread for the Fathers in celebration of the day.

Not only were the the men treated to a feast, they were also allowed to go first and fill their plates before anyone else got near the table. 

A big Thank You Ladies!

Today was also a very important day as we ordained and installed a new Ruling Elder in the Church. Adam Collis was ordained by Pastor Carl Howard, making this the fourth Elder that Pastor has trained and ordained this year. Thank you Pastor Carl. 

Picture L to R Pastor Carl Howard, Elder Adam Collis and Clerk of Session and Elder Ruth Berg 


It’s Vacation Bible School at FWPC

June 10, 2019 saw the first day of Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is To Mars and Beyond and tings took off like a  rocket. we have about 30 kids in attendance with nearly 20 members helping. It was great to see the participation by our teenage kids who assisted in songs and sports.

For additional pictures see VBS 2019

Hear the kids sing 

FWPC sponsored team wins again

June 10, 2019 – As part of our outreach, FWPC sponsors a children’s football team which won the Berkeley County Rec League U10 Soccer  Championship last Sunday. Congratulations to the team and to Alex Fleagle who plays for the them, and his father Michael who assists with the coaching. 

Heritage Sunday at FWPC & Happy Birthday Avalon

Today, May 17, 2019 we celebrated our Church history on this our Heritage Sunday.  Founded long before the American Revolution, FWPC has seen many events over the near 300 years of its existence.  A picnic followed the service and the pavilion was decked out with old flags. As part of the event, we celebrated the upcoming birthday of a special member, Avalon Blizzard, who will be turning 98 this week. Happy Birthday Avalon.  

Mother’s Day at FWPC

May 12, 2019 – Our children sang the anthem and then we celebrated Mother’s Day with a fine Buffet provided by the Men of the Church. Thanks to all for a wonderful day. For once the Mom’s did not have to provide the food.   

Thanks to the kids and dads.

Seven New Members join the Church

May 5, 2019 was a joyous day. We welcomed five new members who were received by transfer, and two who were baptised.

L to R Linda & Donald Earpl, and their daughters Natalie and Madalynne, Erin Sponaugle, Lois Jones and Charles Mosher with Pastor Carl Howard.

Natalie and Madalynne were baptised as part of the Reception Ceremony 




Praise the Lord!

Block Party In the Nursery

Sunday, May 5, 2019 saw a block party in the nursery. While were were welcoming new members into the Church, Fawn Fleagle decided to have a party in the nursery. This was the result:


Most creative Fawn and well done kids. 

Two Easter Services, Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Activities on April 21, 2019, Easter Sunday,  started at 7:00 AM with a Sunrise Service. Breakfast, prepared by the Sarhines (our  youth group) followed and then it was the much awaited Easter Egg Hunt. Normal service was held at 10.00 with Pastor Carl preaching. It was a glorious cool, bright morning and we proclaimed and celebrated that Christ is Risen. We had over 90 at  the sunrise service and over 150 attend one of the services. What a joyous morning.




Palm Sunday Celebrated

Sunday, April 14, 2019 was Palm Sunday. We celebrated with Palm Branches and also made crosses.  Service was led by Rev. John Cushwa, a long time friend and former pastor.  It was intergenerational Sunday School, with Judith Lawrenson and her class leading a presentation on Jerusalem. Katie Campbell taught the group the finer points of Palm Cross making.


Men’s Big Greasy Breakfast goes off with a bang.

Saturday, April 13th 2019 was the Men’s Big Greasy Breakfast – about 35 attended. Thank you to all who brought food, but especially to the organizers, John MacDonald and John Fleagle. We had a most interesting speaker, Tim Williams, who hand crafts 18th Century Longbows, Firearms and Accoutrements. Tim, a Hedgesville resident, had been doing full time crafting for nearly 15 years, and part time before that. He specializes in custom replicas and especially flintlocks. He is a committed Christian who got the strength from God to venture into full time crafting. Tim is successful and has a four year backlog of orders for his beautiful flintlocks. Here are some examples of his work.

Remote Service with Craigsville Presbyterian

Not afraid of much, we tried something really tough on Sunday, March 31st. 2019. Orlando Gois was volunteered to set up a two way video connection with the folks at Craigsville. This was Presbytery  first, with Rev. Gwen Carr leading the charge from Craigsville. Orlando put in long hours of Friday and got good results. However, on Sunday, while the video worked like a charm, we got a looping echo from the two amplified sound systems that we (at FWPC) had no way to control. Thanks Orlando for the large amount of time you put in. Shared remote production is not easy, and we know we will get it perfect next time.  

Eastern Panhandle Mission Community Celebrates Ash Wednesday at FWPC

Representatives from Gerrardstown, Hedgesville, Tabler, Tomahawk and Tuscarora joined our congregation in the celebration of Ash Wednesday on March 6, 2019.

Rev. Cushwa leads Pastor Moore, Rev. Howard, Elder Bock, and Revs.  Greenwalt, McCutcheon Smith and Crumley in song.

                        Congregants receive the ashes

Tuscarora and FWPC choirs participated 

Thanks to all for this special service.

Three New Elders Installed on January 27, 2019

Your Elders for 2019 are (L to R) Steve Tamplin, Renee Campbell, Kathy Goodell, Ruth Berg, Paul Peach, Bill Lawrenson and Kirk Chambers. John MacDonald also attended installation (not in picture).  Lillie Largent was absent. 
Pastor Carl Howard ordained Kirk Chambers and Bill Lawrenson who joined Elder Paul Peach as newly installed Elders

SNOW, SNOW , SNOW – its pretty, but services were canceled Sunday, Jan 13, 2019

Yes, it’s a winter wonderland, but it is also an opportunity for outdoor activities (Monday Jan 14, 2019)
Tink got out one of his toys and had the parking lot and roads cleared by 9:00 AM Monday – Thank you Tink
Additional forces arrives at 10:00 AM to mop up remaining resistance. We cleared the path ways and steps to allow safe access to the buildings. The Maintenance Committee adopted the work crew methodology demonstrated by many WV road workers. While Mac and Galen (center and right) thought this was a great improvement, John (left) was not quite so sure.
Thanks Tink, John, Mac, Galen and Bill for the quick clean up.

We had a great Christmas Eve Service Dec 24, 2018

Ron Hansen just made a great coffee table for the parlor Dec 2018

Cantata Dec 16, 2018 – Well done Radonna, Gary and the Choir


Solo by Gracie was fantastic


Children Pageant Dec 2018

We decorated the Chrismon Tree in celebration of the Advent of the birth of our Saviour 

FWPC’s soccer team wins the Championship

As you probably know, we sponsor a kid’s soccer team. Well they just won their division of the championship, so congratulations to all involved.                  October 2018

Members of FWPC Help with the Hedgesville Area Community of Churches’

Learn to Grow Program

The Blackthorn Trio in concert

Our ticket seller 

Baptism of Sisters

Christmas 2017




Christmas Eve Morning

 Christmas Pageant

Christmas Cantata

History and Heritage Night



 Elizabeth von TrappElizabeth von Trapp



D’Amore DuoD’Amore Duo

Paula’s Community Day


Men’s Breakfast

Vacation Bible School – 2017

Rainy Day Fun

Community Day in the Park – 2017

Falling Water PC participated in the Community Combined Ministries’ Community Day in the Park. Everything at this event, including food is free so that all families may participate. We gave away home-baked cookies as well as other items. The volunteers pictured are only some of the people who volunteered throughout the day.

New Members – 2017

Posing on Easter Sunday (left to right): Betty Jane Porterfield, Steve and Sara Tamplin, Orlando Gois with Abigail Howard Gois, John McKune, Marjorie McKune, Lita Howard-Gois and Alison Howard Gois, KristieRedding, Bev-erly Howard, Judith and Bill Lawrenson, Brenda and Robbie Cloud, and Joan and Don Campbell. (Abigail and Alison became baptized members.) Not pictured: new members Pat and Sherry Dockeney.

Simple Gifts Concert


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner


Delayed Christmas Pageant

Concerts in the Community Presents Stoney Creek Bluegrass Band

After eating their Big, Greasy Breakfast, the men heard a talk given by local historian, Bill Moore

Concerts in the Community Presents the Honky Tonk Blues Band

Packing for Kidz Power Pacs


Rev. Debra McKune’s Installation as Pastor

Most of the Commission waiting to process
With the Moderator, the Rev. John Cushwa
Greeting the congregation after the service

And, of course, the dinner after the service

July 4 Picnic in the Pavilion

July 4th picnic in the pavilion

Community Day in the Park with Combined Community Ministries

We had games, giveaways, free drawings, and cookies

Our logo is the upper right next to the Kidz Power Pacs logo.
Temporary Tattoos
Playing games for prizes
Fishing for prizes.
Prizes for the hourly drawings. Bags in the basket were give-aways with cookies and other goodies.
Two of our volunteers aren’t pictured.
We have fun!
Rocky and Rockette, our singing, dancing lobster mascots
Directing Rocky
Patriotic Rocky

Berkeley Community Chorus Concert

Hedgesville Middle School Honors Choir
Berkeley Community Chorus and Hedgesville Middle School Honors Choir Combined
Intermission at Berkeley Community Chorus concert
Church Sign
Mother’s Day Lunch
Berkeley County Has Talent!
Berkeley County Has Talent!
Berkeley County Has Talent!
Berkeley County Has Talent!
Berkeley County Has Talent!
Decorating the cross
Decorating the cross
Running to find eggs.
Finding an egg.
Youngest egg hunter.
Finding eggs.
Enjoying their eggs.
Sorting their candy

2nd Edition – an ensemble of the National Christian Choir

The National Christian Choir’s 2nd Edition with NCC director Kathy Bowman.
The National Christian Choir’s 2nd Edition at Falling Waters P.C.
More choir members including our own Jeanie Cushwa.
Nadia, the missionary in the Ukraine we support.
Roma children with whom Nadia works.
Lighting the Advent Candles
Lighting the Advent Candles
Finding just the right spot
Placing Chrismons on tree
Lighting the Advent Candles

Hedgesville Area Community of Churches

Community Thanksgiving Service

Hedgesville Community of Churches Thanksgiving Service
Celebrating the Spirit Awardees
Hedgesville Area Community of Churches Thanksgiving Service
Dinner and a Movie Night
Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the youth
Serving the Spaghetti
Enjoying the Spaghetti
Shepherd University Jazz Ensemble in concert
Shepherd University Jazz Ensemble in Concert
Shepherd Jazz Ensemble and Director Dr. Kurtis Adams
FWPC Men Putting Up Flags at VA Hospital
Heritage Sunday Picnic
Heritage Day Picnic

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast
The Back Creek Valley Boys Concert
Coffee Hour after worship.
View from the balcony
Waiting to begin singing the Christmas Cantata
Hedgesville Area Community of Churches’ Christmas Cantata at Falling Waters